For Rheinfetisch, our priority is less our club in itself, but rather the benefits that we can give to the fetish community in North Rhine-Westphalia.
That's why we cooperate with other organisations on a national and regional level – formally in the LFC, informally in the meeting of the Fetish Associations of North Rhine-Westphalia. In the planning for Cologne Fetish Pride, we have invited companies, clubs and groups to collaborate and offer our guests a broad variety of events and activities.
We welcome every idea, every initiative and every cooperation that supports our community and makes it more visible – and we are ready to work together.
LFC e.V. is the umbrella organisation for German-speaking leather and fetish clubs.
It was founded in Cologne on May 26, 1979 under the name "Ständige Konferenz der Vertreter deutschsprachiger Clubs, SKVdC" by nine German-speaking leather clubs. In September 2000, the organisation was renamed LFC Leder & Fetisch Community.
The aims of LFC are
Since the 2024 delegates' meeting in Munich, with the inclusion of the Fetish & Leather Club Dreiländereck e.V. (FLCD) and the Leathermen of Switzerland (LMS), the LFC has 14 members .
A few years ago, Rheinfetisch was a co-initiator of the NRW Fetish Network to promote cooperation between regional fetish clubs. This was dissolved after some member clubs disbanded.
Fetish clubs based or active in NRW met in September 2023 for a kick-off. Many common topics and points of contact emerged during the discussion. At the second meeting in January 2024 in Cologne, a new cooperation was agreed, which will once again operate as the "Fetisch–Netzwerk NRW".
The network was introduced to the public at the Fetish Boat as part of Cologne Fetish Pride 2024 and made its first joint appearance at CSD Cologne from 19-21 July 2024.
Find out more about the member associations by clicking on the logos or through the info sheets of
Colonia Bears>,
PupPlay Germany> and the
Verein für Schwule Subkultur>
(all in German).
There are further clubs and organisations in North Rhine Westphalia. And it's not just since the emergence of social media that fetish friends have been organising get-togethers, socials or pub crawls without wanting to join a club.
That's a good thing! Every initiative is an enrichment for the fetish community.
Since July 2023, Rheinfetisch compiles a monthly overview of fetish events in North Rhine Westphalia aimed at gay men, be it from Rheinfetisch, other clubs and organisations, or from informal groups.
We also share these on our social media profiles and in our Facebook Rheinfetisch community.
The calendars of in GEAR>, pawsUP!> and Verein für Schwule Subkultur> are amongst our sources.
Should we have missed an event, please send us a message.
All rights reserved | Rheinfetisch eV