Mr. Fetish NRW

Mr. Fetish nrw 2025

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Do you want to become Mr. Fetish NRW 2025?

Do you identify with one or more fetishes and would you like to represent the gay fetish community from North Rhine Westphalia throughout Germany and Europe? 

Then apply by 11 May 2025 using our Online Form> (available in German). It includes all relevant informations and conditions that apply. Send the required documents to>

The election will take place on Sunday,  8 June 2025 on the Fetish Boat as part of Cologne Fetish Pride 2025>.

All men aged 18 and over with primary residence in North Rhine-Westphalia can apply. Membership of Rheinfetisch e.V. is not required.

Mr. Fetish NRW 2025 Sponsors

The Mr. Fetish NRW Fund

Mr. Fetish NRW represents our fetish community in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and abroad.

He does all this on a voluntary basis and at his own expense. Rheinfetisch eV supports him with an amount of €500. However, this does not cover all costs.

If you would like to support Mr. Fetish NRW, please donate to the Mr. Fetish Fund. You can also do this if you book tickets via our ticket shop. Unfortunately we cannot issue a donation receipt for this, but 100% of the donation goes to the Mr. Fetish NRW Fund.

Rheinfetisch eV

Sparkasse KölnBonn

DE 13 3705 0198 1900 6881 18


Intended use: Mr. Fetish NRW fund

We thank you in advance for your support, also on behalf of Mr. Fetish NRW

Previous Mr. Fetish NRW Title Holders

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